Saturday, December 15, 2007

Unforgettable Experience

Hello to all...for whatever reason I am going to share this personal experience with you. It is my(Stacie)experience, not my families. Last night I was reading Proverbs 3 & 4 and found myself really in tuned in what I was reading. It was a great feeling. I hadn't had that feeling in sometime~I miss it a lot. With all the stuff that has been going on in my personal life since I've come back from Africa, I have allowed myself to fade away(not go away) from the most important thing in my life. Why, I don't know...I know most of us are guilty of doing this. When I got back home in Sept. 04, my mind became very occupied with a lot of stuff: new love in my life :), and then coordinating our wedding, getting pregnant the day we married, which wasn't a pleasant pregnancy, moving 5 times in the last 3.5 years, and being a stay at home mom, which I am very thankful for. With these great gifts God has given me, I unfortunately let these things come first in my life and that is not the way it is suppose to be. Now, don't get me wrong...I still pray, occasionally go to church, (we are still searching for a "home" church)I read the bible every so often, I have been reading Darren's little bible books to him, but I don't feel that I have been as obedient as I know down deep inside I can be and know I should be. When I became a Christian in 2002 my entire life was lifted and Life was grand with the Holy Spirit. It was the best feeling I think anybody can ever experience. Having that freshness, adrenalin going, the ad ease feel, the unconditional love, secure feel of life was really an awesome time of my life. I am so grateful to know what it feels like. I would like to get that back...I know God has given me many gifts. I too believe that he wouldn't do so unless he felt that you deserved them...God has made me a very proud person, I want to make him proud. Again, I am not sure why I wanted to share this very personal emotional, but I have...I feel it is something that I needed to do.

I have opened my Daily Walk Bible to James and in it's intro it is very says, " FAITH without works isn't really faith. It is dead, and a dead faith is worse than no faith at all." (Take a moment and really think about that.) "Faith must work; it must produce; it must be visible. Verbal faith is not enough; mental faith is insufficient. Faith must move into action. Throughout his epistle to Jewish believers, James integrates true faith and everyday practical experiences by stressing that true faith "works" because it produces doers of the Word.


Erin said...


I'm so glad you shared that. :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so cool...I am so impressed.

Anonymous said...

Stacie, this particular blog entry truly blessed my heart. I enjoyed the spiritual wisdom that you shared. In fact I read it, re-read it and I will apply it to my own life! Faith without works is DEAD!! Thanks again. Have a blessed week! Kizzi